Wedding Venues SA
In addition to our best list of wedding venues in Adelaide SA here you will find all types of wedding venues in South Australia for small and large events. It's not just a list of your typical wedding venue options you see everywhere. The venues on this list have nominated themselves to be considered for your wedding.
You will find all different types of venues are happy to speak to you about hosting your wedding. E.g pubs, restaurants and bars, wineries, hotels and even private properties for hire. You may have a particular type of venue in mind. If this is the case, use the Venue Type filter under further filter options. However, keep an open mind! One of the alternative venues may surprise you.
It's a big list of wedding venues, and of course not all venues are going to be suitable to your dream day. So, use the filter options! Firstly say what type of wedding you are planning. Is it stand-up cocktail style or sit down? Then you can further filter by your guest numbers. Happy wedding planning!