Boardroom Hire Adelaide
Search Event Scene's detailed list of venues offering boardroom hire Adelaide. Most boardrooms are smaller rooms with one large table set-up. So, if you are looking for a meeting room hire in Adelaide, follow the link to a list of venues with larger corporate meeting rooms.
Boardroom venues in this list can easily be filtered by number of guests and venue location. Or, use the map view for a more specific search by location. For example, you may need to hire a boardroom close to your Adelaide office or business.
For pricing enquiries, generally venues available for boardroom hire Adelaide prefer to be contacted directly. This is made easy with the contact form on the venue page. By filling out the details of the enquiry, you will get a much quicker response from the venue. Also, with more details in your initial enquiry, the venue will be able to respond with pricing and information relevant to your requirements.
Details to provide the venue when making your initial Boardroom Hire enquiry:
- Expected number of guests.
- AV equipment required.
- Duration of the event including start and finish time. Bump-in and bump-out time needed.
- Catering and refreshments required. E.g. on arrival, morning tea, working lunch, afternoon tea.
- Will a breakout room be required?
- Any other equipment such as whiteboards, flip charts or individual note pads and pens.
- It is also really helpful to provide any budget details you are working with either overall, or per person. And possibly if you prefer a day delegate price (which means a total price per person including venue hire). Or, flexible package options (which means you can build your own packages depending on what you need for the day).
Happy meeting and event planning!